Fiesta Latina

(Presented by Club International and Sponsor by UCJC, Spanish Club and JAB)

Fiesta Latina is a celebration of Latin traditions, culture and food. The fiesta educates the Juniata College community through the celebration of different values and costumes of cultures of Spanish speaking descent. Different types of food from more than 10 different countries unite in this event. The crowd is also able to enjoy a life performance by a salsa band as well as professional salsa dancers. Kids will also enjoy the event as they take part of the breaking the piñata.


(United Cultures of Juniata College, African American Student Alliance)

A celebration of African American Culture, that emphasizes the strength of family and community. Traditionally celebrated from December 26 - Janurary1st our commemoration will take place Dec 2nd. All are welcome to see REAL Greek Steppin', eat some home-cooked soul food and celebrate the values and contributions of African American's.


(United Cultures of Juniata College, Muslim Student Association, Club International)

A Muslim celebration that comes around twice a year; once to mark the end of the holy month of Ramadan (Eid ul- Fitr) and once to mark the end of the Eid ul Adha, marking the end of the holy pilgrimage to Mecca. Our celebration typically falls right after the Eid ul Adha.

Chinese New Year (Chinese Club of Juniata College)

Straight Talk (All Ways of Loving)

Passover Seder: (Hillel, United Spiritual Council)