The Public Safety Office is committed to providing a safe and secure environment as essential to the Juniata College community. The Public Safety Office focuses on the protection of college assets, but the primary goal is to assure a safe, secure, and comfortable living environment which promotes learning and personal development. Respect, consideration, and fairness to others are paramount in our daily operations.

The Public Safety Office at Juniata College is an important area within Student Affairs. The staff of six full-time officers, one full time office support officer, two part-time officers, are supervised by a Director who reports to the Dean of Students.

The Public Safety Office is a service-oriented operation on our campus. The Public Safety Officers have a variety of training and professional experiences ranging from criminal investigation procedures, self-defense techniques, and medical training. Each officer must go through periodic training as part of their employment requirements. Public Safety personnel are on the job 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Public Safety Officers have an excellent working relationship with the local and state police.

All officers are also trained under Act 235 (lethal weapons training) and do carry fire arms

Prevention Programs

Education and Prevention of Sexual Violence

The Office of Public Safety officers will provide an escort to anyone requesting the service. The Office of Public Safety may be contacted by dialing 641-3636 twenty-four hours a day.

Drugs and Alcohol Awareness

The Office of Public Safety in conjunction with law enforcement agencies can  provide awareness programs. The Health and Wellness Center also provides programs yearly in regard to drugs and alcohol awareness.

Fire Safety Awareness

The Office of Public Safety will provide fire safety programs. Fire Drills are conducted jointly with the Resident Hall Staff on a monthly basis.

Communicable Diseases

Juniata College will make decisions regarding communicable diseases based on the best available information and professional judgment on a case-by-case basis. The College remains open to re-examination of the issues as more information becomes available.

Safety Programs

Card Access for Residential Buildings

The College ID card must be presented for admission to meals and to many of the activities at the College, including home athletic events and various college sponsored programs. It also is used for checking out materials at the library. Used primarily for identification, the card should be carried at all times.

27/7 Safety Escort

The Office of Public Safety officers will provide an escort to anyone requesting the service. The Office of Public Safety may be contacted by dialing 641-3636 twenty-four hours a day.

Emergency Call Boxes

There are four emergency call boxes located on campus which are a direct line to Public Safety, at all times. These call boxes can be used to report criminal actions or other emergencies on campus.

Fire Safety

All resident halls have monitored fire alarm systems. The housing complex 2111 and Leshers are also equipped with a sprinkler system. Vigilant Security Inc. and Bettwy Systems monitor the residence halls, and other fire alarm systems on campus.

Prevention Programs

Education and Prevention of Sexual Violence

The Office of Public Safety officers will provide an escort to anyone requesting the service. The Office of Public Safety may be contacted by dialing 641-3636 twenty-four hours a day.

Drugs and Alcohol Awareness

The Office of Public Safety in conjunction with law enforcement agencies can  provide awareness programs. The Health and Wellness Center also provides programs yearly in regard to drugs and alcohol awareness.

Fire Safety Awareness

The Office of Public Safety will provide fire safety programs. Fire Drills are conducted jointly with the Resident Hall Staff on a monthly basis.

Communicable Diseases

Juniata College will make decisions regarding communicable diseases based on the best available information and professional judgment on a case-by-case basis. The College remains open to re-examination of the issues as more information becomes available.

Safety Programs

Card Access for Residential Buildings

The College ID card must be presented for admission to meals and to many of the activities at the College, including home athletic events and various college sponsored programs. It also is used for checking out materials at the library. Used primarily for identification, the card should be carried at all times.

27/7 Safety Escort

The Office of Public Safety officers will provide an escort to anyone requesting the service. The Office of Public Safety may be contacted by dialing 641-3636 twenty-four hours a day.

Emergency Call Boxes

There are four emergency call boxes located on campus which are a direct line to Public Safety, at all times. These call boxes can be used to report criminal actions or other emergencies on campus.

Fire Safety

All resident halls have monitored fire alarm systems. The housing complex 2111 and Leshers are also equipped with a sprinkler system. Vigilant Security Inc. and Bettwy Systems monitor the residence halls, and other fire alarm systems on campus.