1997年获诺贝尔物理奖: William Phillips '70 – 1997 Nobel Prize Winner

联合国非洲二区代理主任: Sammy Buo ‘73 – Deputy Director, Africa II Division for the United Nations

美国医学协会首席执行官: James Madara ‘71 – CEO, American Medical Association

奥斯卡奖执行主席: Bruce Davis ‘65 – Executive Director, Academy Awards

哈佛医学院麻醉学教授: Gregory Stahl ‘84 – Professor of Anesthesia, Harvard Medical School

特氟龙材料发明者: Kenneth Berry ‘35 – Inventor, Developed Teflon

美国驻捷克领事馆副领事: Tricia Cypher ‘97 – Vice Consul, U.S. Consulate/Czech Republic

人造心血管发明者: William Von Liebig ‘46 – Inventor, Medical Devices