Designated Program of Emphasis

Designated and Individualized POEs must include 45-63 credits. At least 18 credits must be completed at the 300 or 400 level.


Core Courses (10 total credits)

AR-110  Survey of Western Art

AH-295  Methods in Art History

AR-455  Sr. Thesis in Art History


Art History Courses (choose 10 courses (30 credits) in consultation with your advisor; at least 6 courses must be at the 300 level or above)

AR-115  Survey of World Art

AH-301  African-American Art: Slavery to Social Justice

AH-309  Expanding the Renaissance

AH-310  Global Baroque Art & Architecture

AH-311 Art of Ancient Peoples

AH-312 Medieval Art: Really a Dark Age?

AH-313  Northern Renaissance Art 

AR-315  Women in Art

AH-316 Art & Revolution: 19th Century Europe

AR-322  Modern Architecture 

AH-329  Impressionism to Abstract Expressionism

AH-330  Why Is That Art? 1945-Present

AR-340 Philosophy of Art


Studio Art Requirement (2 studio art courses (6 credits) chosen in consultation with your advisor)


Language Requirement (Proficiency in a foreign language at the 200 level or above; 6 credits)