Writing Center tutors provide support to writers across all disciplines. From lab reports to research papers, you can find the help you need from our trained tutors.

Hours & Location:
6-10 p.m. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
Statton Learning Commons 211


Faculty Contact:


Carol Peters

Carol Peters  Biography →

  • Director of the Writing Center
  • Instructor of English

Carol Peters  Biography →

  • Director of the Writing Center
  • Instructor of English




General Resource Sites

    • The Online Writing Lab at Purdue University 
      A versatile website that covers specific aspects of technical and academic writing. A good resource for research techniques, outline writing, developing a resume, grammar mechanics, and much more. 
    • A Research Guide for Students 
      Useful site that covers bibliographies, footnotes, endnotes, and parenthetical citations for MLA format, plus information on general research paper writing and ways to avoid plagiarism. Also includes an extensive resource page of its own.


    • OWL - Evaluating Sources of Information 
      The Online Writing Lab at Purdue takes you through the steps of evaluating the validity and usefulness of information sources. It'll help you decide if that webpage you found on Google is worth your time. 

Grammar, Mechanics, and Writing the Paper

    • OWL - Hyphens 
      Figuring out which words should be hyphenated can be tricky sometimes. The OWL lays down the rules of hyphenation and gives some examples here.
    • OWL - Creating a Thesis Statement 
      A thesis is what ties your paper together and gives meaning to what you're trying to say. Here, you can find explanations of the different types of theses and specific information on what goes into writing a good thesis statement.
    • OWL - Developing an Outline 
      Having problems with the organization of your paper? An outline gives order to your ideas. Learn about the construction of a good outline here.