
Recent peer-reviewed SoTL publications by Juniata faculty. When available, article titles are linked to pdfs.

Kruse, G. and Drews, D. (2013) Using Performance Tasks to Improve Quantitative Reasoning in an Introductory Mathematics Course. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Vol. 7, No. 2

Dunwoody, P.T., Westcott, K, Drews, D. and Hosler, J (2012) Case Study on a Shoe-String SoTL Center. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Vol. 6, No. 1

Colaianne, B.A.*, & Powell, M.G. (2011). Developing transferable geospatial skills in a liberal arts environment. Journal of Geoscience Education, 59, 93-97. 

Hosler, J.S. & Boomer, K. B. (2011) Are Comic Books an Effective Way to Engage Nonmajors in Learning and Appreciating Science? CBE-Life Science Education, Vol 10, pg 1-9.

Roth, K. (2011). Assessing clicker examples versus board examples in Calculus.  PRIMUS, in press 

Boyle M.D. (2010). “Shovel-ready” sequences as a stimulus for the next generation of life scientists. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 11. DOI:10.1128/jmbe.v11i1.133

Benson, L., Chambliss, J., Martinez, J., Tomasek, K., & Tuten, J.  (2009).  Teaching with the History Engine :  Experiences from the Field.   Perspectives on History, 47(5), 63-65.

*denotes student author


Recent SoTL presentations by Juniata faculty.

Dunwoody, P. T., Westcott, K., Hosler, J., Drews, D., & Boyle, M. (2011, October). The development and assessment of a faculty-driven, cost effective SoTL center. Paper presented at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning: Transforming the Academy through the Theory and Practice of SoTL, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Dunwoody, P. T., Baney, J., & McKellop, J. M. (2011, October). Linking departmental and institutional assessment of critical thinking. Poster presented at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning: Transforming the Academy through the Theory and Practice of SoTL, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

McKellop, J. M., Westcott, K. M., Gianella, L.* & Talisman, N.* (2011, May). Talking about Death: Does the discussion end when class is over? Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science, Washington DC.

Dunwoody, P. T., Westcott, K., Drews, D., Hosler, J., & Boyle, M. (2011, March). How to create a faculty-driven, cost effective SoTL center. Paper presented at The SoTL Commons: A Conference for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning, Statesboro, GA.

Kruse, G. (2010, January 14). Using CLA in the Classroom Performance Tasks for Assessment in a Quantitative Reasoning Course.  Paper presented at the 2010 Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Francisco, CA.

Roth, K., & Cockett, L. (January, 2010).  Clicker examples versus board examples in calculus: How are they different?" In Engaging students with classroom voting. Conducted at the Joint Mathematics meetings, San Francisco, CA.

Kruse, G. (2010, March 9). The Performance Task Web Conference [Online web-conference]. Jerry Kruse’s project is described in this article in Change Magazine: Chun, M. (2010, March/April. Taking Teaching to (Performance) Task.  Change Magazine, 19,  22-29. 

Boyle, M.D., Bennett, R., Keeney, J., Buonaccorsi, V. (July, 2009). Transforming undergraduate education through increased faculty access to NextGen sequencing runs. Poster session presented at the Transforming Undergraduate Biology Education: Mobilizing the Community for Change sponsored by the National Institute of Health, Washington DC.

McKellop, J.M. & Westcott, K. (May, 2009). End-of-Life Exercises and Death Anxiety in an Undergraduate Health Psychology Course. Poster session presented at the meeting of  the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.

Roth, K. (August, 2009). Assessing clicker examples versus board examples in calculus. In Mathfest conducted at the meeting of the Mathematical Association of America, Portland, OR.

Roney, J. (2009).  “Reading students’ reading”,  Wabash SoTL Conference, Wabash College, Crawfordsville, IN, March 6-8.

Westcott, K. (March 6-8, 2009).  ”The positive by-products of a college tutoring program”, Wabash SoTL Conference, Wabash College, Crawfordsville, IN.

Hosler, J. & Boomer, K.B. (August 13-15, 2008) A Non-Majors Biology Text in Comic Book Form. CCLI Conference, Washington D.C.

Reingold, D. (October 16-19, 2008).  “Chemistry as a second language.”  International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, "Celebrating Connections: Learning, Teaching, Scholarship" in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.