Juniata's Sustainability Seal was developed, reviewed by the President's Cabinet and the Sustainability Leadership Committee, and finalized in summer 2008. The "seal" is intended to recognize proactive sustainable behavior by departments, offices, student groups and other campus organizations at Juniata.
The Executive Committee of the Sustainability Leadership Committee awards the seal to departments, student organizations, and offices. The Vice President for Finance and Operations, in consultation with the Executive Committee, makes decisions regarding certain operational elements that may bear the seal in recognition of their sustainable operation or practice, including but not limited to publications, vehicles, buildings, and suppliers.
Departments, student organizations, and administrative offices may apply for the seal via the following process, with the guidelines that follow:
- Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis via email (see link for submission below).
- Departments, offices, and student groups apply with a 2-page summary of their efforts, responding to the criteria (below), and providing evidence for each entry. Attachments and appendices should number fewer than 12 pages or screens.
A seal is awarded for a period of two years, after which an organization must re-apply. If, during the two year period, the organization wishes to apply for a higher designation level (a silver or gold), they may reapply, following the guidelines above.
Listed below are guidelines organizations must meet to earn the seal.
Guidelines For Usage
Departments, student organizations, and administrative offices may collectively earn seal designation, at bronze, silver, or gold levels, by demonstrating sustainable behavior as follows:
A department can earn a "seal" designation at the following levels, provided they meet the following:
Bronze Level
- 100 percent of faculty provide syllabi paperlessly (on-line or other transmission).
- More than half of all assessments (quizzes, exams, papers, homework, etc.) are handled paperlessly. Department can demonstrate encouragement, promotion, and use of online assignments and submission.
- Department as a whole uses printer cartridge recycling programs.
- At least one required course (a course required as a prerequisite for further study in all department designated POEs, or more than one course if POEs in the department have different base requirements) exposes students to sustainability concepts and issues in the context of at least one lesson or module.
Silver Level
As above, plus:
- Events catered by a department follow the Green Catering Standard ¹.
- More than 50% of required courses (those required in all POEs, or among those required if POEs in the department have different base requirements) expose students to sustainability concepts and issues in the context of at least one lesson or module.
- Department can demonstrate a concerted effort to ensure incoming mail (periodicals, particularly) is provided electronically ².
- 100 percent of departmental "mailings" to campus (RE lectures, events, meetings) are done electronically.
Gold Level
As above, plus:
- More than 50% of faculty walk/bike/carpool/otherwise travel sustainably to work.
- Department offers one or more full courses, relevant to their discipline(s) and devoted to sustainability topics.
- More than 50% of office personnel document 5 or more hours devoted annually to campus sustainability efforts.
Administrative Offices
An administrative office can earn a "seal" designation at the following levels, provided they meet the following:
Bronze Level
- 100 percent of interoffice communication is generated paperlessly (on-line or other transmission).
- More than half of all publications (reports, plans, strategies, studies, presentations) are handled paperlessly. Office can demonstrate encouragement, promotion, and use of online collaboration.
- Office as a whole uses printer cartridge recycling programs.
- Office makes recycling materials and programs obvious at the work site.
- Offices set lower temperatures in buildings and do not make use of auxiliary heating devices.
Silver Level
As above, plus:
- 100 percent of "mailings" to campus (RE lectures, events, meetings) are done electronically.
- Events catered by office follow the Green Catering Standard ¹.
- Desk lamps with CFL vs. overhead.
- Office can demonstrate effort to ensure all incoming mail is provided electronically ².
Gold Level
As above, plus:
- More than 50% of office personnel document 5 or more hours devoted to campus sustainability efforts.
- Office promotes and adheres to Green Purchasing Standards.
- More than 50% of employees walk/bike/carpool/otherwise travel sustainably to work.
Student Organizations
A student organization can earn a "seal" designation at the following levels, provided they meet the following:
Bronze Level
- 100 percent of organization records and communications are maintained and communicated paperlessly (on-line or other transmission).
- 100 percent of organization "mailings" to campus (RE lectures, events, meetings) are done electronically.
Silver Level
As above, plus:
- More than 50 percent of organization members volunteer 10 hours per person per semester to campus sustainability efforts.
- Events catered follow the Green Catering Standard ¹.
Gold Level
As above, plus:
- 100 percent of organization members volunteer 10 hours per person per semester to campus sustainability efforts.
- Student organization can demonstrate effort to ensure all incoming mail is provided electronically.
¹ VP of Finance and Operations is working with food services to develop these standards
² Professional publications received via electronic mail, journals accessed online,
opt-in to electronic delivery by trade organizations, etc.