Juniata College Geologists to Monitor Water Quality in Area
(Posted January 10, 2005)
HUNTINGDON, Pa. -- The Juniata College Department of Geology has received a $15,000 grant to analyze the relationship between land use and nutrient loading in Warriors Mark Run Creek. The grant is one of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection's Growing Greener Grants.
"The grant will allow us to continue our research in monitoring water quality issues along Spruce Creek and its tributaries," says David Lehmann, associate professor of geology at Juniata College. The college has been monitoring water quality along Spruce Creek and Warriors Mark Run for the past three years.
The project will monitor a variety of water quality factors through regular testing. Two Juniata student research assistants will monitor the stream for increased levels of nitrates and phosphates, as well as for dissolved solids (which determines the "hardness" of water), turbidity (how much silt and soil is in the water), temperature and stream flow.
The grant is part of $5.5 million in Growing Greener grants awarded by the Department of Environmental Protection. Growing Greener grants are designed to help local conservation organizations finance cleanup efforts for watersheds, enhance environmental protection and revitalize communities across Pennsylvania.
The research for the project will continue this spring and continue throughout the year. The grant was awarded in November 2004.
Contact April Feagley at feaglea@juniata.edu or (814) 641-3131 for more information.