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Juniata College

Campus News

Juniata College

(Posted October 21, 2018)

Juniata politics professors often host panels to discuss elections, constitutional law, having civil discourse and more. 

Photo: Morgan Horell '17 

Juniata politics professors often host panels to discuss elections, constitutional law, having civil discourse and more. 

Photo: Morgan Horell '17 

Huntingdon, Pa. – On Friday, November 2, Juniata College will host an election roundtable to discuss the 2018 midterm elections. An informal discussion, the event will provide a space where Juniata students and other members of the community can talk with the candidates and ask them questions as they prepare to wrap up their campaign season. The roundtable, which is free and open to the public, will be held in Sill Boardroom, von Liebig Center for Science, and begins at noon.

“Each candidate brings with them a unique stance on the issues,” says Dennis Plane, professor of politics at Juniata. “Topics posed will include: ‘What should we be watching for on Election Day?’ and ‘Who is going to win key races?’”

Confirmed candidates attending are Brent Ottaway (U.S. House), Ezra Nanes and Emily Best (PA Senate), and Rick Rogers and Joseph Soloski (PA House). Other invited guests include John Joyce (U.S. House); Jake Corman and Judith Ward (PA Senate); and Rich Irvin (PA House).

The round table will be moderated by Josh Scacco, Juniata alumnus and assistant professor at the University of South Florida. Scacco is an expert in the field of political communication and a frequent election analyst for the media. 

This event is sponsored by the Juniata College politics department. 


Contact April Feagley at feaglea@juniata.edu or (814) 641-3131 for more information.
