Juniata College Partners with Stone Church for Chaplain Services
(Posted March 5, 2019)
Ben and Cindy Lattimer pose in front of the Stone Church of the Brethren in Huntingdon, Pa.
Photo by: Sarah Rohrer '20
Ben and Cindy Lattimer pose in front of the Stone Church of the Brethren in Huntingdon, Pa.
Photo by: Sarah Rohrer '20
HUNTINGDON, Pa.-Juniata College announces that, as part of a partnership with the Stone Church of the Brethren in Huntingdon, Ben and Cindy Lattimer, pastors of the Stone Church, will function as college chaplains for the spring 2019 semester.
Matthew Damschroder, vice president for student life and dean of students at Juniata, managed the agreement through discussion with Stone Church and the Lattimers. As college chaplains, the Lattimers’ main responsibility will be to provide pastoral counseling and spiritual care for students, faculty, and staff. The Lattimers also will provide expertise and spiritual voice for different observances, programs, and ceremonies at Juniata.
“I am excited to see Pastors Ben and Cindy contribute their talents to Juniata’s campus ministries,” says Damschroder. “Their energy and enthusiasm make them well suited to follow the significant work of Dave Witkovsky in sustaining an open and welcoming culture at Juniata. I look forward to the ways our efforts will grow through their vision and influence.”
In collaboration with Marita Gilbert, dean of institutional equity and inclusive excellence, the Lattimers also will help determine and develop equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts that flow from our founding values of peace, community, simplicity and service.
“Our campus welcomes people from around the nation and the world who have an array of spiritual needs. Therefore, it is important that our inclusion efforts recognize the significance to Juniatians of observing and practicing faith traditions,” Gilbert says. “The Lattimers’ commitment to inclusion is right for Juniata.”
"College is such a formational time of life. We are excited for the opportunity to walk alongside students, exploring together with them as they make meaning of these experiences, and discover more fully who they are." -Ben Lattimer
The Lattimers arrived in Huntingdon in January 2018 to lead the Stone Church ministry and congregation. Prior to that, Cindy Lattimer served as associate pastor of the Lancaster Church of the Brethren, and Ben served as a hospice chaplain with Hospice and Community Care. Cindy and Ben met at Princeton Theological Seminary, where they both earned masters of divinity degrees.
Cindy grew up in Rocky Mount, Va., at the Antioch Church of the Brethren. Cindy previously served for three years in the Youth and Young Adult offices of the Church of the Brehtren, and as a Campus Minister at SUNY Geneseo in New York. In addition to his work as chaplain, Ben has served in the Peace Corps, and has worked as a teacher and in residence life with a variety of youth and college programs. Ben’s ordination in the Free Methodist denomination was transferred to the Church of the Brethren, following his call to service at Stone Church. Ben and Cindy have three sons: Everett, Ezra, and Cyrus.
"College is such a formational time of life. We are excited for the opportunity to walk alongside students, exploring together with them as they make meaning of these experiences, and discover more fully who they are," says Ben. "We appreciate the culture at the College very much, and look forward to ways we can support students of all faiths as they develop and grow."
The agreement with the Lattimers has facilitated other changes to campus ministries as a whole. Juniata has asked Lisa Baer, who has served as Juniata’s campus Catholic minister since 2004, to expand her role in campus ministries to include administration and oversight of existing campus ministries programs and services. Campus ministries activities include coordinating faith-based student clubs, supporting community service, fostering and maintaining relationships with chaplain affiliates, and interfaith activities.
Baer holds a bachelor’s of science degree in education from Shippensburg University and a master’s in higher education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Prior to her current role, Baer has served in a number of roles in student life and residence life and has taught at the college level. She volunteers with numerous community organizations, particularly in several roles with the American Cancer Society.
Contact April Feagley at feaglea@juniata.edu or (814) 641-3131 for more information.