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Juniata College

Campus News

Juniata College

(Posted April 4, 2019)

Photo: Sarah Rohrer '20 

Photo: Sarah Rohrer '20 

Huntingdon, Pa. – Annaleigh Baremore, a Juniata College senior from Silver Spring, Md., who studies global sustainable development and French has received a Fulbright English Teaching Award to live and work in Colombia from August 2019 through May 2020.

Baremore will teach English at a university in Columbia, yet to be determined. Along with teaching, she will design an extracurricular project in her community of residence.

Baremore learned about the Fulbright program for the first time in high school when a Fulbright scholar from Morocco came to talk to her class. Upon arriving at Juniata, she learned more about Fulbright through Deborah Roney, assistant professor of English and director of Language in Motion. Roney helped Baremore with her application as did James Tuten, professor of history, and Henry Thurston-Griswold, the chair for the world languages and cultures department and a professor of Spanish.

“[They] had incredible insight into the process and were really knowledgeable about the best ways to apply for the Fulbright,” says Baremore. “They helped me highlight the things that I had done that would help me the most on my application.”

After completing the Fulbright Fellowship, Baremore plans to continue her work in international sustainability. She is most interested in working on sustainable agriculture projects in order to feed communities impacted by climate change.

During her time as an undergraduate at Juniata, Baremore studied abroad at Université Catholique de Lille in France and the Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador. She also worked at both the U.S. Botanic Garden and with the Student Conservation Association in Washington, D.C., and presented research on “the effects of tree nativity and landscape type on arthropod communities in central Pennsylvania” alongside peers Kendra Bierman and Max Ferlauto at Juniata’s Liberal Arts Symposium, an on-campus research and scholarship conference.

Baremore also works in the Global Village, a themed living and learning community at Juniata, as the program coordinator for the Francophone Village. She works as an office assistant in the Language in Motion office and presented for the program during her sophomore and senior years of college at local high schools. Baremore is a member of the Pi Delta Phi, the French honor society, and is a member of the French Club and Mud Junkies, as well.

“Through teaching, you both help people and learn from them,” Baremore says. “I like that exchange. It has been valuable for me to work with a diversity of people in different places, so I am excited to further my experience abroad, this time in Colombia.”

The Fulbright English Teaching Assistant programs place individuals in classrooms abroad to provide assistance to the local English teachers. ETAs help teach English language while serving as cultural ambassadors for the U.S. The age and academic level of the students varies by country, ranging from kindergarten to university level. Applicants for English Teaching Assistant Programs can apply to only one country. For the 2017-2018 year, Fulbright awarded 15 ETAs for Colombia from 97 applications.


-- Written by Sierra Waite ’21 – 

Contact April Feagley at feaglea@juniata.edu or (814) 641-3131 for more information.
