Empty Bowls Event Helps Fill Local Food Pantries in Recognition of World Hunger Month
(Posted October 1, 2019)
HUNTINGDON, Pa. – Juniata College’s long-standing Empty Bowl’s tradition is going into its 13th year and will take place in Baker Refectory on campus at 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5.
The event, traditionally held in the spring, has been moved to October to celebrate World Hunger Month.
Empty Bowls is a project where “participating artists create and donate bowls; area restaurants and community members make and donate soup and bread, then serve a simple meal. Guests choose a bowl to use and guests pay for tickets to enter the event,” said Bethany Benson, the department chair of art and art history at Juniata College.
The purpose of the event is that guests experience a meal representative of hunger around the world, with the added bonus of keeping the handmade bowls.
All bowls made for the event were created by students enrolled in Empty Bowls Practicum, faculty, and friends of Juniata College.
The event is organized by Bethany Benson, Robert Boryk an instructor of art and art history, Lisa Baer, the Unity House coordinator, Jennifer Troha, and Lorri Shideler, director of Conferences and Events.
All proceeds made from the night will go to hunger-fighting organizations, specifically the various food banks in Huntingdon.
Tickets are currently on sale and can be purchased from the Juniata College Unity House or by contacting Lisa Baer at (814)641-3362. Adult tickets cost $15, Juniata student tickets cost $10, Seniors tickets cost $31, children aged 6-10 can purchase tickets for $8, and children under the age of 5 go free.
--Written by Isabella Bennett ’20--
Contact April Feagley at feaglea@juniata.edu or (814) 641-3131 for more information.