The Secretary of the Judicial Board shall record all material presented as evidence or testimony in the Judicial Board hearing. The Secretary shall also record the vote of the Board as it relates to the decision and recommended sanction, if applicable. This hearing report, in addition to copies of official correspondence related to the case, shall be placed in the student’s file in the Dean of Students Office.
Records of judicial proceedings shall be kept confidential in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Cases in which suspension or dismissal are assessed shall remain part of the student’s files, but it will not be noted on the official college transcript. Cases in which other sanctions are assessed shall not be made a permanent part of any file; record of such action will be destroyed upon withdrawal or graduation of the student from the college.
Family Educatinal Rights and Privacy Act
(Parents claim you as a dependent on Income Tax forms)
In the interest of promoting better communication regarding your academic and personal development, parents of dependent students will receive copies of all Dean of Students Office correspondences including violations, charges, actions, awards and citations that are sent to dependent students, unless the parents ask not to receive such copies.
Juniata College also exercises the right to contact parents of dependent students in emergency situations.
Grade Release:
For grade release, it is the student’s responsibility to authorize the release of his/her grades to parents by completing the appropriate release form and filing it with the Registrar’s Office. This includes notices of academic action decisions, i.e., academic standings, grade point averages and grades, academic probations, and actions of dismissal and suspensions.
Directory Information
Juniata, at its’ discretion, may release public or directory information in accordance with FERPA. Public directory information is defined by the College to include: student photos, full names of students, mailing & permanent addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, dates of attendance, enrollment status, class level, POE (field of study), degrees, honors and awards, and cumulative credit hours. Students may withhold directory information by notifying the Registrar’s Office in writing during each semester registration. Requests for non-disclosure of public or directory information will be honored by the institution only for the current academic year; therefore, authorization to withhold directory information must be filed annually with the Registrar’s Office.