Certain procedural rights are normally afforded a student charged with a disciplinary violation of college policy.
- The right to have one’s case processed without undue delay.
- Written notice of the charges and the regulation upon which the charges are based no less than 48 hours before the scheduled hearing.
- Written notice of the time, place and date of the hearing. (Students are responsible for checking their mailboxes daily.)
- The right, but not the obligation, to be present at an Administrative Hearing.
- The right to testify on one’s own behalf or to remain silent.
- The right to be presumed innocent.
- The right to be assisted in one’s defense by any member of the college community of one’s own choosing.
- The right of appeal.
Following an alleged act of student misconduct, and until final disposition of the charges, the status of a student shall not be altered or his or her right to be present on campus and to attend classes suspended, except for reasons relating to his or her physical or emotional safety and the well-being of other students, faculty or college property, or for reasons relating to the protection of the normal functions of the college.