
Juniata strives to provide a work environment free from recognized hazards.  The College establishes this Hazard Communication Program to protect employees from potential health hazards associated with the chemicals that they may encounter during the course and scope of their work.


This program will apply to and is available to all non-laboratory College employees. The Office of Human Resources will arrange for new employees to be provided with information and training in addition to this written hazard communication program.


Departments – Departments are responsible for carrying out the Hazard Communication program in accordance with this written document and for obtaining Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS’s) and insuring their availability to employees.

Supervisors – Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that employees are trained, for implementing practices and procedures which minimize chemical exposures, and for ensuring compliance with proper labeling and storage of hazardous chemicals.   

Employees – Employees are responsible for complying with procedures established by their supervisors to minimize potential chemical exposures and ensure compliance, and for informing their supervisor should they encounter any problems with the program or have a chemical exposure.

Chemical Hygiene Officer – is responsible for assisting departments in implementing the program and consulting with Departments on program compliance.

Chemical Inventory

A list of the hazardous chemicals known to be present at the College will be maintained by the Chemical Hygiene Officer.  New products may not be brought onto campus grounds without authorization from the Chemical Hygiene Officer. 


Each container of hazardous chemicals in the workplace will be labeled, tagged or marked with the identity of the hazardous chemical and the appropriate hazard warning. Incoming chemical container labels will not be defaced or removed. Departments may choose to use their own label system, or may use the Hazardous Materials Inventory System or the National Fire Protection Agency labels and numbering system. Labels will be in English.

Secondary containers, or those portable containers into which hazardous chemicals are transferred from labeled containers, which will be for the immediate use of the employee who performs the transfer, do not require labels.

Material Safety Data Sheets

Departments and supervisors are responsible for obtaining MSDS’s from their materials supplier at the time of purchase.  Material Safety Data Sheets shall be maintained by Departments and made available for any employee to review. 

If the MSDS is not obtained at the time of purchase, the department will request them from the manufacturer; however, the product shall not be used until the MSDS is on site.

Employee Information and Training

Employees will be provided with information and training on hazardous chemicals in their work area at the time of their initial assignment and whenever a new hazard is introduced into their work area. That information and training will include the requirements of this section, any operations in their work area where hazardous chemicals are present, and the locations of the written Hazard Communication program and MSDS’s.

Additional areas of training will include the following:

  • Methods and observations that may be used to detect the presence or release of a hazardous chemical.
  • Physical and health hazards of the chemicals in the work area
  • Measures employees can take to protect themselves from these hazards, including specific procedures the Department has implemented to protect employees from exposure, including work practices, emergency procedures and personal protective equipment
  • The details of the hazard communication program including an explanation of the labeling system, the MSDS’s and how to obtain and use appropriate hazard information

Non-Routine Tasks

Some college employees may periodically be required to perform hazardous non-routine tasks. The supervisor is responsible for identifying and informing employees of the hazardous substances that may be involved prior to the performance of the work.

Employees will be given the following information:

  • The specific chemical hazard
  • Any protective safety measures the employee can take, such as wearing gloves or protective clothing
  • Procedures for decreasing the hazard, such as proper ventilation or requiring the presence of other employees
  • Any established emergency procedures