Do I need to present a library card to borrow materials?
Yes - To borrow books you must present a valid Juniata Gold Card, Juniata Friends
of the Library Card, or a Westminster Woods card each time.
Where do I get a library card?
Juniata Gold cards are issued to Juniata students, faculty, & staff by the Security
Department. Friends of the Library cards are issued at the Library's circulation desk
when one joins the Friends. Westminster Woods cards are issued to residents of the
Westminster Woods Community.
What can I borrow with a Friends card & Westminster Woods card vs. a Gold Card?
Friends of the Library card holders and Westminster Woods card holders may only check
out regular circulating books. A Gold Card holder may check out books, videos, reserve
items, and Curriculum Library items.
How long can I borrow library materials?
Books may be borrowed for three (3) weeks so long as there are no holds placed on
the item. Videos & DVDs may be borrowed for three (3) days.
Can I borrow reference books, journals, or maps?
No - these items may not be checked out.
How much are late fines?
Fines accumulate by 25¢ per day late.
Must I pay any fines I owe before borrowing more items?
Yes - Fines must be paid in full before borrowing any more library or ILL items.
Will I get a renewal notice from the library when my items are due?
No - Our system doesn't notify you. It is your responsibility to return or renew items
before they are due.
I lost the slip with my due date -- how can I find out when my books are due?
You may call or ask at the circulation desk. You may also look in Library Catalog
& PINs.
Can I renew my books online?
Yes - See Library Catalog & PINs.
I think someone in my class/group has the book I need -- can you tell me if they do?
No, the library staff takes confidentiality very seriously and will not tell you who
has checked out an item. We can, however, tell you the date an item is due. In addition,
you may request that a "hold" be placed on the item so that upon its return, you are
notified and the item is "on hold" for you.