Juniata College Press has published five books since 1999. Officially Juniata Voices (ISSN: 1068-84-98) is also part of Juniata College Press. Up to this time Juniata College Press has published books concerning the history of Juniata College or exhibition catalogues for art exhibits curated at Juniata.
The home of the Press going forward will be the Beeghly Library of Juniata College and the Beeghly Library Director will be responsible for the Press. The key responsibilities include:
- Maintaining the inventory of the Press’s books.
- Handling all correspondence and inquiries for the Press.
- Receiving all funds to the College from sales of Press books.
- Mainlining records of the Press’s activities.
- Updating or maintaining the Juniata College Press’s web presence.
Future publications, except for Juniata Voices which is ongoing, would involve consultations with the President of Juniata College.