Wade Roberts Biography →
- I Harvey Brumbaugh Professor of Philosophy
- Philosophy Department Chair
- Good Hall G408
- (814) 641- 3418
- roberts@juniata.edu
Affiliated Faculty
Kathy Baughman Biography →
- Swigart Professor of Business & Economics
- BAC C205C
- (814) 641-3532
- baughman@juniata.edu
Dr. James Borgardt Biography →
- William W. Woolford Professor of Physics and Engineering Physics
- Physics Department Chair
- Baker Institute Advisory Board Chair
- BAC P226
- (814) 641-6600
- borgardt@juniata.edu
Robert Miller Biography →
- Rosenberger Professor of Christian and Religious Studies
- Good Hall G205
- (814) 641- 3629
- millerr@juniata.edu