Belle Tuten

Charles A. Dana Professor of History
Chair, History and Art History

Phone: (814)641- 3536
Office: Founders Hall 318
Office Hours: [Hours]
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Professor Tuten's main interests are in medieval culture and history (300-1500 CE), the history of medicine and early modern social history, with a concentration in the history of women and family. She pursued her Ph.D. and M.A. in history from Emory University and her B.A. (cum laude) in European History before 1715 from the College of Charleston, SC. In addition to specialties in European history, Professor Tuten has pursued study in the history of Islam and Arab-European relations in the Middle Ages.

Her recent publications include Daily Life of Women in Medieval Europe (Greenwood Press, 2022); “Correcting the ‘Unnatural’ Breast: Gynecomastia and Gender in Medieval Medicine,” Medicina nei secoli, 33/1 (2021): 3-30; “Care of the Breast in the Late Middle Ages: the Tractatus de passionibus mammillarum,” in Sharon Strocchia and Sara Ritchey, eds., Gendered Histories of Health, Healing and the Body, 1250-1550 (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2020), 119-137; “Power and Trauma in the ‘Maid of Arras,’ Cantigas de Santa María 105,” in Wendy J. Turner and Christina Lee, eds., Trauma in Medieval Society (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2018), 105-121.