David Widman

Professor of Psychology

Phone: (814)641- 3576
Email: widman@juniata.edu
Office: Good Hall 419
Office Hours: [Hours]
Personal Website: http://faculty.juniata.edu/widman/


Dr. Widman is Professor of Psychology. He joined the faculty at Juniata in 1999. He received his B.S. in Psychology from the University of Wyoming and earned his Ph.D. in Biopsychology from the University at Albany, State University of New York. Dr. Widman currently teaches several courses in both the Psychology and Biology Departments, including Biopsychology, Learning and Conditioning, Introduction to Psychology, Comparative and Evolutionary Psychology and Research Methods in Psychology. Dr. Widman?s research interests include examinations of time-place learning in rats, virtual navigation using video games in humans and the effects of hormones on human behavior. Dr. Widman has been published in such journals as Physiology and Behavior, Behavioural Processes, and The Journal of Comparative Psychology. He has also presented at multiple conferences including the annual meeting of the Animal Behavior Society and numerous appearances at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychology Association. Dr. Widman has served as an ad hoc reviewer for Behavioural Processes, the Journal of Comparative Psychology, Animal Behaviour, The Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, Animal Learning & Behavior, and the International Journal of Comparative Psychology.  Dr. Widman belongs to several professional societies, including the Council on Undergraduate Research, the Eastern Psychological Association and the American Psychological Society. He is married to Liz Widman, and has two children, Meredith and Richard.