Syllabus Statement

Please use the following in your syllabus under the ADA Statement section: -

Juniata College is committed to providing equitable access for learning opportunities to students. Students with disabilities are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504. In addition, your experience in this course is important to me, and I am dedicated to removing barriers and creating a more accessible classroom environment. If you are already affiliated with the Office of Student Accessibility Services (and have been determined eligible to receive accommodations), I encourage you to confirm that I have received a copy of your accommodation letter and schedule a time for us to meet to discuss your need in this course. Although it is preferable to request before the semester begins, requests can be made at any time but are not retroactive. Any student who feels they may need an accommodation based on a documented medical condition, physical disability, mental health diagnosis or learning disability (or suspects they may have one), is encouraged to contact Patty Klug, Director of Student Accessibility Services at or 814-641-5840. Her office is located in QUEST in Founders Hall, office #213. You are also welcome to contact me if you have additional questions regarding Student Accessibility Services and classroom accommodations.

Instructions for Faculty

Students requesting classroom accommodations because of learning challenges associated with their protected disability will present appropriate documentation to support classroom accommodation to the Office of Accessibility Services. You will receive a Letter of Accommodation for the student?

If, after reviewing the Letter of Accommodation, you believe additional information is necessary or if you believe that any of the accommodations below would materially impact your course or academic program, please contact the Office of Accessibility Services so that we can schedule a meeting to discuss your concerns.

Contact Us

Please contact the Office of Accessibility Services if you have questions or if we can help regarding any appropriate arrangements for students.

We know you are interested in providing our students with an equal opportunity to succeed, and we assume you understand our responsibility of ensuring access to your course.

Thank you for your support.