Test Request Procedures for Faculty
- How many Alternative Testing Instructions forms will I need to complete?
You will need to complete one Alternative Testing Instructions form for each course in which you have one or more students that have requested Alternative Testing. That one agreement will apply to all students in the same section. If you teach more than one section of a course, you may contact the Testing Coordinator to have the same form apply to all sections.
- When should I complete the Alternative Testing Instructions form?
As soon as possible after receiving a Letter of Accommodations for any student that has requested Alternative Testing in your course. This notifies the Testing and Accessibility Coordinator that you are aware that exams may proctored in the Testing Center and informs Testing Center staff of your exam instructions so that exam requests meeting your criteria may be approved.
- Should I wait to complete the Alternative Testing Instruction form until I have the
exam ready to submit?
No. Please submit the form when you receive the email notification or as soon as possible. This informs the Testing and Accessibility Coordinator that you are aware that students in your course may use the Testing Center and outlines the exam and delivery details.
Where can I see a list of my students that have submitted Exam Requests?
A list of pending and approved Exam requests can be found on your AIM instructor portal.
I get so many emails. How can I be sure that I see notifications from Student Accessibility
Testing Services?
You may create a rule to filter incoming notifications into a designated folder in Outlook.
What are my options for submitting the exam to Testing Services?
You may email the exam directly to the Testing and Accessibility Coordinator, upload the exam via AIM, or drop the exam off at the Testing Office.
How can I upload the exam?
You may upload the exam in the Alternative Testing section of your AIM instructor portal. Please be sure that you are uploading the exam for the correct student and correct Exam Request.
I bookmarked the AIM instructor portal, but my bookmark is not working. Why?
Your bookmark may not be working because the bookmark link information may be incorrect. Please edit your bookmark properties so that the link location reads exactly as https://bachelor.accessiblelearning.com/Juniata.
What are my options for receiving the exam from Testing Services?
You may pick up the original exam from the Testing Office or retrieve a scanned copy from your AIM instructor portal.
Can the Testing Coordinator scan and email my exams?
No, scan and email is not an option for exam return, but you may elect to retrieve a scanned copy from your AIM instructor portal.
How does my student get access to audio/video files for an exam?
You may email audio/video files to the Testing Coordinator, upload them to YouTube, or share them via a cloud storage service such as OneDrive. Audio/video files are put on a flash drive and given to the student along with a non-internet connected laptop for playback.
How can students access YouTube if the laptop does not connect to the internet?
The Testing Coordinator downloads audio/video from YouTube and loads it onto a flash drive.
Do I need to provide scantron forms for my exams?
Please provide Scantron forms for exams dropped off in person. The Testing Coordinator keeps a supply of forms in the Testing Office for uploaded or emailed exams. Please indicate on the Testing Agreement if your exam needs a Scantron form.
Do students have access to their belongings while testing?
No, students are required to leave all personal items in the Testing Office during exams. This includes all electronic devices such as laptops, tablets, cell phones, and smartwatches.
What are students allowed to take to the testing area?
Students are only allowed to take items specified on the Testing Agreement to the testing area.
What happens if I don’t submit my exam to the Testing Coordinator 24 hours before
it is due to be administered?
The Testing Coordinator will send an email reminder asking for the exam to be submitted before the scheduled exam time.
What do I do if I notice a typo on an exam that I have already submitted?
Alert the Testing Coordinator to exam typos as soon as possible so that the typo may be corrected before or during the exam.
Will the Testing Coordinator answer student questions about the exam?
No, the Testing Coordinator will answer student questions about the test proctoring process only. All questions regarding exam content will be directed to relevant faculty.
How do students contact me with exam questions?
The Testing Coordinator will contact you via one of the methods listed on the Testing Agreement.