Human Resources is responsible for the administration of the Recruiting budget line.

While it is important for candidates to have a positive experience while interviewing on campus, we must also balance the stewardship of the College’s resources.

All charges for recruiting expenses will be monitored by the hiring department and reviewed by Human Resources. The reimbursement of expenses will be made upon the candidate or department submission of appropriate original itemized receipts to Human Resources.  For meals, a list of attendees must accompany the receipt.

In order to help maintain control of this account, the following guidelines have been established:

  1. Reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed for faculty and administrative candidates.  Candidates should be encouraged to use the most economical method of travel which meets the needs of the College and the candidate.  If the candidate is in need of travel assistance, they may be referred to Kish Travel at: (717)607-1343 or by email at Candidates are not required to use Kish travel.
    Generally, candidates traveling by air should take the most direct route and travel in Coach travel class.
  2. Ground transportation to and from airports should be provided by the College when possible. This would be completed by a member of the search committee or through the transportation office.
  3. Overnight accommodations for the candidate (and spouse, if applicable) should be obtained through the Fairfield Inn, Huntingdon at the preferred Juniata College rate, and will be provided only during the interview visit, for generally 1-2 nights, depending on travel requirements.  Costs for overnight accommodations for any other purpose will not be approved from the recruiting budget.
  4. Meals will be provided during a candidate's visit to campus as follows:

a.  The number of persons for meals should be limited to the candidate (and spouse, if applicable), and persons directly involved in the interview process. The number of College persons should not exceed four (4) in most instances without prior approval of the area Vice President and the Director of Human Resources.

The average cost per person including gratuities should not exceed (these guidelines are consistent with those published annually by the IRS):     

Breakfast         $12.00
Lunch               $15.00
Dinner              $32.00

Or a total candidate per diem of $59.00 (in lieu of itemized meals)

b.  Some meals should be taken in Ellis College Center, if possible.

c. Juniata hosts should remain sensitive to the candidate’s preference on the consumption of alcoholic beverages, as this is prohibited by some faith traditions or personal practices. Alcohol should never be purchased or served to individuals who are under the legal drinking age.

Any charges which exceed the guidelines listed above will be considered a departmental or personal charge to the individual responsible for the arrangements.

Approved by Administrative Unit 11/19/90

Updated 2003, Updated by SLT 2016, Updated by SLT 2022