The Juniata Career Team (JCT) is a database of Juniata alumni and friends who are willing to share their career experience and advice. This is a valuable service to students in their career exploration and planning. Currently, over 1,600 Juniatians are included in the JCT database.


Register here to be a JCT volunteer


Launch the JCT Database

Alumni: Why Volunteer for JCT?

All alumni and parents of students (current and former) are invited to participate as volunteers in the JCT program. Developing a parent - alumni career network is about teamwork among Juniata College graduates and current students.

Volunteering as part of the Juniata Career Team database can be very rewarding for both you and the student. Sharing your experiences can help students make good decisions and feel confident about entering the work force or graduate/professional school.

Common Questions

As a JCT volunteer, students may ask you questions about any of the following topics:

  • Specifics about a particular industry or occupation
  • Appropriate classes or necessary preparation for a field or position
  • Perks and drawbacks of a field
  • Internship and job possibilities
  • Relocation questions regarding cost of living, climate or quality of life
  • Graduate/professional school experience


In addition, Juniata is committed to experiential education and career programming, so we will also ask if you or your organization sponsors internships and if you would be willing to be a part of special programming regarding career development.

How JCT Helps Students

No two career paths are alike, and the Juniata Career Team can assist students in taking the first steps of developing a career plan. Utilizing the JCT will help students become better prepared than the competition. In fact, students can use the JCT database throughout their collegiate career.

The personal experience students gain from alumni contact and the practical experience students gain from internships is valuable to them in choosing a career and in getting a job. These "real world" interactions help students identify likes, dislikes, talents and weaknesses as well as develop skills useful in any career.

How Do I Sign Up?

To volunteer to be part of the Juniata Career Team database, fill out the online form today!

Please be aware that the value of the volunteer experience is your willingness and availability to share your knowledge. You may be contacted within a month, within a year—or possibly, but unfortunately, not at all. Having a variety of career mentors available is a vital key to the success of the program.

Thank you for your continuing support of your alma mater, and for your acknowledgment of the importance of giving something back. We value your service and your teamwork!

Reporting Volunteer Hours