Philosophies and Principles of a Liberal Arts Lifestyle

As a community, Juniata is dedicated to providing an academically rigorous and personally enriching liberal arts education. Students have a responsibility to expand and fulfill their lifestyles to embrace the opportunities that lead to well-rounded citizenship. The Student Government of Juniata College, as servant of the students, approves the following principles of a liberal arts lifestyle, and believes that these principles serve as the vehicle to successful life experiences.

A Juniata student who fully engages in a liberal arts lifestyle:

  • Recognizes the value of being a citizen of the world in an increasingly global and diverse community.
  • Seeks opportunities to serve in activities that enrich communities and give back to humanity.
  • Builds meaningful and lasting relationships with academic peers, faculty, staff, and future colleagues.
  • Regards healthy lifestyle choices as the keystone to success.
  • Embodies a spirit of sustainability through awareness of finite resources.
  • Realizes that learning is a lifelong process encompassing many disciplines.
  • Questions the assumptions and truths presented in life, as embodied in Juniata’s maxim “Veritas Liberat.”
  • Understands that integrity and honesty in all of life’s pursuits are virtues unto themselves.
  • Assumes responsibility for choices made.

Approved by Juniata College Student Government, April 14, 2006

Registrar’s Office

The Registrar’s Office provides service to students, faculty, and administration. The office maintains academic records, publishes course schedules, manages student course registration, assigns classrooms, approves transfer evaluations, publishes student schedules, issues official transcripts, and publishes the college catalog. It is the office where Program of Emphases (POEs) are turned in and graduation requirements are checked. The Registrar manages the college summer school program. Additionally, forms to change advisors, change addresses, do independent studies, and credit-by-exam are available in the Registrar’s Office.

Additional information can be found at

Standards of Academic Integrity

All members of the Juniata College community share responsibility for establishing and maintaining appropriate standards of academic honesty and integrity. Students oblige themselves to follow these standards and to encourage others to do so. Faculty members also have an obligation to comply with the principles and procedures of academic honesty and integrity as listed here through personal example and the learning environment they create.

One of the strongest traditions in higher education is the value the community places upon academic honesty. Academic integrity is an assumption that learning is taken seriously by students and that the academic work that students do to be evaluated is a direct result of the commitment of the student toward learning as well as the personal knowledge gained.

Academic dishonesty, therefore, is an attempt by a student to present knowledge in any aspect as personal when in fact it is knowledge gained by others.

Examples of academic dishonesty are the following:

  1. During an examination, using notes, examination copies, or other material not specifically authorized by the instructor. This includes having unauthorized materials on the desk or accessing information electronically (e.g., phones, computers, etc.)
  2. In writing assignments, presenting as one’s own work the ideas, representations, or words of others without citing the proper sources.
  3. Knowingly doing another person’s academic work such as writing papers or taking examinations.
  4. Failing to cooperate in the investigation of any student being accused of academic dishonesty.

The penalty for academic dishonesty may lead to dismissal from the college, particularly if it is a repeat offense.

Academic Dishonesty Policy

If a faculty member suspects that an issue with academic integrity has occurred, they should first contact the Asst. Provost.  The Asst. Provost will review the case information with the instructor, clarify questions they may have about the process, and guide the instructor in the next steps.

If the instructor and Asst. Provost determine together that there is sufficient evidence to move forward, then:

(A) The instructor should contact the student involved (one meeting per student, if multiple students are involved), and share their concerns.  This interaction should be brief and informal, along the lines of, “I have some concerns about your assignment/exam/paper in course ---, specifically it appears that -----, and I wanted to solicit your feedback.”  The instructor can answer any questions the student may have, or refer them to the Asst. Provost.

If the instructor feels that no violation occurred after this interaction with the student, then the Asst. Provost is notified and the case concludes.

Otherwise, (B) the Asst. Provost provides a blank allegation sheet for the instructor to complete.

(C) If the student has previous academic integrity violations on file this information is NOT shared with the instructor and does NOT influence the current incident, but the student could be referred to a Judicial Board hearing after the conclusion of this incident.

The instructor completes the allegation sheet, including a description of the allegation and the associated penalty, and returns it to the Asst. Provost.  When considering the penalty, the faculty member (in light of the nature and seriousness of the offense and in consultation with the Asst. Provost) assigns one of the following:

  • a warning
  • a reduced or failing grade for the assignment
  • a reduced or failing grade for the course
  • another penalty the faculty member deems appropriate for the violation

Materials related to the incident, including copies of the papers/exams/assignments etc., should be provided to the Asst. Provost.  Note that if a case is considered at the end of the semester or some other time when all the parties involved are not available, an instructor should assign a course grade of “I” - Incomplete until the matter is resolved.

The Asst. Provost then shares the completed allegation sheet with the student and schedules a meeting with the student, instructor, and Asst. Provost.  In unusual circumstances, a support person may attend this meeting with the student.  If there are multiple students involved in one incident, each has a separate meeting.  The meeting typically occurs three days after the student is presented with the allegation, and generally takes place in the Asst. Provost’s office.  All signatures (student, instructor, and Asst. Provost) are done together in this meeting.

At the meeting, the allegation and penalty are presented and then discussed.  The student then chooses between:
(1) Admitting to the allegation and accepting the penalty
(2)  Admitting to the allegation but disputing the penalty
(3)  Denying the allegation

If the student chooses option (1), the completed allegation sheet and associated materials are saved in a confidential file and the incident is considered closed.  This file is destroyed when the student separates (graduates, transfers, withdraws, etc.) from the college.  While the student may choose to disclose the incident to others, this matter is confidential and the Asst. Provost and instructor do not.

If the student chooses option (2) or (3), they are referred to a Judicial Board hearing.  The Judicial Board then determines whether a violation occurred and/or the associated penalty.  Procedures for Judicial Board hearings are detailed in the Pathfinder and Faculty Manual, and their results are communicated via a letter from the Provost’s Office, sent to the student, family, and advisors.

If a grade penalty is to be levied on student work due to an academic integrity violation, this policy is to be followed.  If the violation is considered particularly egregious when it is initially encountered, the student(s) may be referred directly to a Judicial Board hearing.

Students are not permitted to drop or withdraw from a course until an academic integrity allegation is resolved. 

Note that except in extraordinary circumstances, academic integrity issues will not be pursued if a final grade for the student has been submitted in the course or an inordinate amount of time has passed. 

As noted above, if the student has previous academic integrity violations on file this information is NOT shared with the instructor and does NOT influence the current incident, but the student could be referred to a Judicial Board hearing after the conclusion of this incident.

 If in the course of the academic integrity process a situation related to the Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, is revealed, the administrator implementing the academic integrity policy will ensure that the Title IX Coordinator, or Deputy, is notified and any necessary reports are made. After consultation with the Title IX Coordinator, or Deputy, an alternative process to resolve the academic integrity allegation may be pursued, possibly to preserve privacy and confidentiality. In these cases, to the extent possible, the input and guidance of the reporting faculty member will be incorporated. 

Forms of Academic Dishonesty

Acts of academic dishonesty may be categorized in one of the following ways:

  • Cheating: using or attempting to use unauthorized material in any academic exercise. This can include going against explicit instructor directions for the completion of an assignment or exam (e.g., use of unauthorized materials or unauthorized collaboration with peers).
  • Fabrication and Falsification: altering or inventing any information or citation in any academic exercise.
  • Multiple Submissions: submitting substantial portions of the same academic work for credit more than once without authorization. 
  • Plagiarism: presenting the work of another as one’s own (i.e. without proper acknowledgment of the source). Citation is unnecessary when ideas or information are considered common knowledge. 
  • Abuse of Materials: damaging, destroying, stealing, or in any way obstructing access to library or other academic resource material or academic records. 
  • Complicity in Academic Dishonesty: intentionally helping or attempting to help another commit an act of academic dishonesty; unauthorized collaboration on any academic work. (Collaboration is not permissible unless a faculty member specifically indicates the extent to which students may collaborate on a given assignment.) 

Academic Appeals

  1. A student has 48 hours from the hearing conclusion to submit an appeal in writing to the hearing chairperson. Failure to submit an appeal within the time allotted renders the decision final.
  2. The Chairperson refers the appeal to the Provost. A decision on the appeal will be made within 48 hours and is based on the letter of appeal and the case file. The Provost may remand the case to the Judicial Board only if he/she specifies procedural errors that denied the student a fair hearing, or if additional significant evidence becomes available.
  3. The Provost shall send a copy of the written decision on the appeal to the student, the faculty member, and the hearing chairperson.
  4. The decision of the Provost shall be final.

The appeal letter must state the grounds upon which the appeal is based and the justification for such an appeal. Grounds for appeal include:

  • Evidence not available at the time of the decision, but now available, which would affect the decision itself.
  • The case was initiated or conducted with improper procedure.
  • In cases involving a suspension form the College, the student is not permitted on campus during the appeal process. 

Students have the right to appeal academic matters relating to graduation requirements, academic probation, academic dismissal, and other issues to the Student Academic Development Committee. The appeal must be made in writing and submitted to the Registrar. It is important that the student who wishes an appeal to be heard by the committee prepare the appeal as quickly as possible. The decision of the Student Academic Development Committee is final.

If a student wishes to appeal a grade, the student needs to first make the appeal to the faculty who assigned the grade at issue within two weeks of receipt of the grade. If the student is not satisfied, he or she may appeal to the appropriate department chair or course director. Further appeal must be made to the Provost. It is expected that a final decision on all grade appeals will be made within four weeks of the time the grade was received.

Academic Computing

Juniata College provides computing facilities for use in support of the academic program and for student personal development. A description of the facilities may be found in the College Catalog. The Juniata College Information Access Guide, available in the College Bookstore, provides a fuller description and a guide to the use of the facilities.

Students are expected to be aware of the proper ethical and etiquette considerations for use of the system as found in the Juniata College Information Access Guide. Particularly important conditions for the use of the system are given below. Misuse may result in loss of access to the facilities or other disciplinary action.

  • Users shall not access other user’s files or any other computer resources without specific authorization.
  • Users shall not copy licensed software for use on any personally owned computer.
  • Users shall not install any software on any college-owned computers without explicit authorization.
  • Users shall not use college computer resources for personal profit or for non-college constituencies.
  • Mass e-mail for personal announcements, requests, and opinions is not permitted. 

For information about the public computer labs click here.

See: Ethical and Responsible Use of EagleNet

Academic Credit Transfer Policy

Academic Standing

Any student whose semester or cumulative grade point average at any time falls below 1.00 may be academically dismissed.

Any student whose semester grade point average falls below 1.66 at any time will be placed automatically on academic probation. In addition, any student whose cumulative average falls below those in the following table will be placed on academic probation.

Semester Credits Attempted Cumulative Grade Point Average
0 - 35.99 1.66
36 - 61.99 1.80
62 - 89.99 1.95
90 and over 2.00

Any student on probation must achieve good standing in the next semester or face suspension and/or dismissal. Any student whose semester GPA is 1.00 or below faces suspension or dismissal. In addition, any student who accumulates three semesters of probation will be suspended. Also, any student on academic probation will be counseled regarding possible limitation or curtailment of his or her participation in co-curricular and/or employment activities.


Faculty advisors are an invaluable source of support for students. At the time of enrollment, first-year students are assigned a Freshman Advisor who assists in orienting new students to college academic policies and procedures. By the end of the first semester, students choose two faculty advisors: a program advisor to assist specifically with POE and career issues, and a liberal arts or general advisor to assist with general academic issues such as fulfilling graduation requirements. For exploratory students, advisors can help identify potential areas of interest. Students may change advisors at any time, subject to the approval of the Registrar, as long as one advisor is from the department most prominently represented in the POE. Students pursuing dual fields of study should select one advisor from each area.

Advising is a crucial form of guidance for all students, especially for those individuals pursuing highly structured academic programs.

During Summer Orientation, new students work individually with academic advisors to select and register for fall semester courses. On the first day of classes, new students meet with their faculty advisors to review course registration and make adjustments as needed.

Course Withdrawal Policy

A withdrawal grade of WF or WP is recorded when a student drops a course after the official drop/add period at the beginning of the semester and before the withdrawal deadline. WP signifies that at the time of the withdrawal the student was passing the course. A WF signifies that at the time of the withdrawal the student was failing the course. WP and WF grades are not calculated into the GPA.

A student may withdraw from a course up to the scheduled mid-point of the term with the permission of the student's faculty instructor and the advisors. Withdrawal after the "Mid-Term" date is not usually permitted except in an unusual circumstance requiring the written approval from the instructor, advisors, and the Registrar. Refer to the current academic calendar on the college website for the mid-term date. The deadline is 12:00 noon on the last day of class each semester. Unofficial withdrawals from all courses are recorded as F. Withdrawals from class are considered unofficial if the student fails to make satisfactory arrangements at the Office of the Registrar.

A student is permitted a maximum of four withdrawals from courses taken at Juniata College during the undergraduate career. Allowances for medical withdrawals and other unusual circumstances may be made via appeal to the Student Academic Development Committee.

Graduation Requirements

See the catalog corresponding to your class year.

Initial Program of Emphasis (IN-POE) / Program of Emphasis (POE)

During the spring semester, freshmen meet individually with both their advisors to plan the IN-POE. In the absence of traditional majors, the IN-POE and later, the POE, serve to guide students in planning their academic programs of focus. The process of drafting the IN-POE is intended to provide a student with the opportunity to consider his or her academic and career goals and to carefully identify those courses that will provide the background, skills, and perspective needed to achieve those goals.

The IN-POE is valid only through the end of the spring semester of the sophomore year. At this time students are asked to complete a more detailed academic plan, the regular POE, using the IN-POE as a guide. (See Catalog for more information)

Mid-Term Notices

At mid-term, faculty will send a notice to each individual student who is failing or in danger of failing a particular course. This notification is intended to make students aware of unsatisfactory performance in a course at a time when a student will have an opportunity to address problems which may prevent the student from achieving a passing grade. Instructions for submitting a Mid-term notice in Basecamp can be found here.

Overload Charges

Full tuition is charged to any student who is carrying 12-18 credits in a semester. A tuition overload is charged to anyone who registers for more than 18 credits in a semester.

Withdrawal Policy

Medical Withdrawal:

A student may make a request for a medical withdrawal from a course, or withdrawal for other extraordinary circumstances, through the Dean of Students Office or the Student Academic Development Committee. A request for a medical withdrawal must be accompanied by supporting documentation from the student’s medical/health care provider.

Upon receiving notification of an approved medical withdrawal, the Registrar will enter a grade of “W” which will not be calculated in the student's cumulative GPA. Medical withdrawals may impact College progress- towards-the-degree standards. Students are encouraged to discuss these implications with family, faculty advisors and counselors from Financial Planning or the Dean of Students Office.

Withdrawal from College:

If a student is considering withdrawing from the College, an appointment should be arranged through the Dean of Students Office. A decision to withdraw from the College may have implications including financial aid eligibility and payment schedules. A student should meet with the Dean of Students to discuss withdrawal procedures and to complete the appropriate clearance forms.

If a student withdraws from the College during a semester, the Registrar will enter a grade of “W” for all registered but not completed courses. “W” grades are not calculated in the student's cumulative GPA, but may have other ramifications. Students who withdraw during a semester may still have financial obligations to the College. Students are encouraged to discuss these matters with family, faculty advisors and counselors from Financial Planning and the Dean of Students Office.

Leave of Absence:

Students who want to pursue a program of study at another institution, engage in other off-campus educational experiences, and/or address personal issues without severing their connection with Juniata may request a leave of absence. A leave of absence is granted only with written approval from the Dean of Students Office in consultation with the Registrar. A student requesting a leave of absence must be in good academic standing. Absent extraordinary circumstances, a leave of absence will not exceed one-year.

Any student who plans to take a leave of absence should consult the Registrar, Student Financial Planning, Student Affairs Staff or Dean of Students Staff.

Voluntary Medical Leave of Absence:

When a student’s health impedes normal academic progress and/or a situation requires a student to leave the College for one or more weeks, the student may seek a voluntary medical leave of absence. A medical leave of absence is granted through the Dean of Students Office in consultation with the Registrar. The student will be required to submit supporting documentation from his or her medical/health care provider to substantiate the need for the leave. A student on a medical leave of absence will be required to submit documentation from his or her medical/health care provider attesting to the student's ability to return from the leave of absence (and outlining any reasonable accommodations, if applicable) prior to expiration of the leave of absence.

Upon receiving notification of an approved medical leave of absence, the Registrar will enter a “W” grade for all registered but not completed courses in the current semester. “W” grades are not calculated into the student's cumulative GPA, but may impact progress towards the degree standards. A student who is granted a medical leave of absence may still have financial obligations to the college. The student should consult with Accounting Services and Student Financial Planning to clarify any outstanding financial obligations.

Involuntary Medical Leave of Absence:

A student may be required to take an involuntary medical leave of absence in situations where the student is a threat to his or her own health and safety or the health and safety of others, or where the student's illness or behavior interferes with the academic pursuits of the student or others or interferes with the regular activities of the College community. The student will be notified by the Dean of Students of the reasons for the involuntary leave and any conditions for the student's return. The student will be required to submit documentation from the student's medical/health care provider attesting to the student's ability to return from such a leave (and outlining any reasonable accommodations, if applicable). Supporting documentation, along with the student’s written request to return to the College, must be received by the Dean of Students at least 30 days prior to the first day of the semester in which the student wishes to return. This is designed to provide the College with sufficient time to evaluate the documentation and the student’s request to return as well as to ensure that the student no longer presents any potential threat.

A student on an Involuntary Medical Leave of Absence will receive a “W” grade for all registered but not completed courses in the current semester. “W” grades are not calculated into the student's cumulative GPA and will not be reviewed for academic progress. Financial obligations to the College will be pro-rated based upon the date of involuntary medical leave.

Military Leave of Absence:

A student who receives orders to report for active military duty should contact the Dean of Students Office. The student should be prepared to present a copy of military orders (if timing does not permit an initial presentation of military orders, the student may begin the leave process by submitting, in writing, a personally signed request indicating times and dates of intended call-up). However, when available, a copy of the military orders must be provided in order for the leave process to be completed and any financial reimbursements made.

The Dean of Student Office will notify the Registrar’s Office, Accounting Services, Student Financial Planning Office and if appropriate the Office of Residential Life to expedite the military leave of absence process. The Registrar will enter a grade of “W” for all registered but not completed courses in the current semester. If the leave occurs late in the semester, the student may arrange for a final graded evaluation of his/her course work or take Incompletes for all remaining coursework. The Registrar will add the notation of “Military Leave of Absence” to the student’s transcript.

College Procedures

I. Dean of Students Office:

Initiates the formal "Military Leave of Absence" which would include, if possible, an exit interview. Notifies the Registrar's Office, Accounting Office, Office of Financial Planning, and Office of Residential Life and elicits their assistance in expediting the exit process.

II. Registrar's Office:

Processes a complete withdrawal, entering a grade of "W" for all registered but not completed courses in the current semester. (If the leave occurs late in the semester, the student may arrange through the Registrar for a final graded evaluation of his/her course work or take an Incomplete. This option would have to apply to all currently registered courses). Adds the notation of "Military Leave of Absence" to the student's transcript.

III. Office of Financial Planning:

Schedules a meeting with the student, upon the student's request, to review the particulars of his/her funding. Reviews and evaluates funds already received and gives advice on status of financial aid based on date of the leave. Advises on action required to defer loan payments based on active military duty.

IV. Office of Residential Life:

If the student resides on campus, assists the student to check-out; his/her key is to be left with the Office of Residential Life.

V. Accounting Office:

Refunds complete tuition to student who processes a complete course withdrawal for the current semester. Refunds room and board; charges will be prorated based on the date of military leave of absence. (No refunds can be made until the college has received a copy of the military orders calling the student to active duty.)

The College will refund complete tuition payments to a student who processes a military leave of absence for the current semester. Room and board charges will be prorated based upon the date of the military leave of absence (No refunds can be made until the College has received a copy of the military orders calling the student to active duty).

Upon completion of active military duty, the student will be automatically readmitted to the College by notifying the Registrar’s Office in writing of his/her intent to resume academic study at Juniata. All rights, privileges, academic status and rank are resumed at the same level as prior to the Military Leave of Absence.