June Semester 2020 Cancelled due to COVID
Herpetology (3 credits) June 8-July 3 BI 370 RFS
John Matter and Roy Nagle - Juniata College
Overview: This course examines the comparative biology of living reptiles and amphibians, including taxonomy, evolution, biogeography, ecology, morphology, physiology and behavior. Special attention is given to conservation issues, the relevance of reptiles and amphibians in modern biological research, and field techniques for studying reptiles and amphibians. Field experience will include radio telemetry and capture. This course is suitable for credits in the category of Wildlife Biology for certification from The Wildlife Society. Prerequisites: 1 college level organismal or ecology course or permission of the instructor.
Meeting Time: M-F, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm with occasional exceptions
Tuition $1,500
Ornithology (3 credits) June 8-July 3 BI 324 RFS
Chuck Yohn – Juniata College
Overview: This course provides a comprehensive survey of the comparative biology, ecology, and behavior of birds with a special focus on issues pertaining to conservation management. Daily field activities include field identification of birds by sight and sound. Students also gain 12 hours of experience mist-netting, banding, aging and sexing of songbirds. Other field work topics include common management, research and monitoring techniques. This course is suitable for credits in the category of Wildlife Biology for certification from The Wildlife Society. Prerequisites: 1 college level organismal or ecology course or permission of the instructor.
Meeting Time: M-F, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm with occasional exceptions
Tuition $1,500
Summer Wildlife Semester
Summer 2020
Dates: June 3- June 28 Cost $1,500 / class
Food service - $115 per week* Housing - $300 per week*
*Prices subject to change
Summer 2020
Course # | Title | Faculty | Division | Skills | Credits |
BI 324 RFS | Ornithology (33497) | Yohn, C | N | 3.00 | |
BI 370 RFS | Herpetology (20320) | Matter, J & Nagle, R | N | 3.00 |
Summer 2021
Course # | Title | Faculty | Division | Skills | Credits |
BI 370 RFS | Herpetology (20320) | Matter, J & Nagle, R | N | 3.00 | |
BI 323 RFS | Mammalogy (20935) | Glazier, D & Ramakrishnan, U | N | 3.00 |