Explanation of Pay Codes


ADR Administrative Regular Salary
BH Birthday Holiday
DR Doctor Appointment - up to 2 hours (Staff Only)
FCR Faculty Regular Salary
FF Fire Fighter Leave
JD Jury Duty - Pay received from court will be deducted from pay
LG Legal Appointment - up to 2 hours (Staff Only)
LT Late
LTD Long Term Disability
00 Time Worked Between 35 & 37.5 hours - Hours will be processed through payroll as Regular Hours (Full-time Support Staff Only)
01 Time Worked Between 37.5 & 40 hours - Straight time paid (Full-time Support Staff Only)
05 Time Worked Over 40 hours - Overtime at half time
15 Time Worked Over 40 hours - Overtime at time and a half
OTB Overtime - Beginning of Shift (Facilities Only)
OTE Overtime - End of Shift (Facilities Only)
OTR Regular Hours for Temporary Positions
OTRQ Overtime at Supervisor Request (Facilities Only)
HL Holiday
P Personal Day (Staff Bonus Day or Wellness Day Award)
REG Regular Hours - used only in Kronos
R05 Regular Hours Processed with Overtime (05 code).
S Sick
S3 Sick - up to 3 hours (Staff Only - doesn't effect sick leave balance)
SHL Holiday (Security Only)
SSB Support Staff Summer Salary Pay - for time NOT worked between 35 & 37.5 hours
(Full-time Support Staff Only)
SSR Regular Hours
STD Short Term Disability
STI/STR Stipend Payment
SWP Suspended Without Pay
T Time Off in Lieu of Overtime Worked/Comp time - only allowed in current pay period (Staff Only)
TPD Time Off in Lieu of Overtime Worked/Comp time but Half Time is Due - used to pay half time earned (Entered by Payroll Only)
UB Union Business (Facilities Only)
UP Unpaid Time Off
UPF Unpaid Time Off (Facilities Only)
V Vacation
VH Vacation Hourly (Facilities Only)
WCPD Worker's Comp Paid by College
WCUP Worker's Comp Paid by Worker's Comp Provider

Classification Codes for Facilities


BS Boiler & Steam Systems Technician
CA Carpenter
CU Custodian
EL Electrician
GLC Group Leader - Custodian
GLG Group Leader - Groundsworker
GR Groundsworker
HV HVAC Technician
PA Painter
PF Pipe Fitter
PL Plumber
RCL Garbage/Recycling Person
SK Storekeeper
UT Utility Person