Juniata College is a private, not-for-profit institution of higher education. Our mission aligns with principles of academic freedom and critical engagement with multiple perspectives. But events that afford such expression must not: interfere with the College’s operations or teaching; impede others’ rights to expression; jeopardize the physical safety of our community members; or damage College property.
The following regulations apply to all events held on the property of Juniata College:
- Laws governing access to and use of private property apply to all campus buildings and grounds.
- Reservation and use of College facilities must be in compliance with law and College policies. The College may elect to allow external parties the use of our facilities through a contractual agreement made by a fiscal agent of the College. In the event usage is granted absent a contract, access can be denied at any time without cause or explanation.
- People may not:
- block entrances or impede foot/vehicle traffic;
- engage in violence, threats or intimidation;
- disrupt teaching or administration, or impede operations of the College;
- possess firearms, firebombs, or other weapons;
- engage in theft or vandalism;
- misuse or disrupt campus networks or technologies, or engage in cyber-crime;
- climb on or rappel from College buildings or trees;
- camp or lodge on College property.
- People must comply with the instructions and directions of College officials, including Juniata College Public Safety and other police or safety agencies called to assist.
- Operational costs incurred to support the safe administration of an event are to be assumed by the sponsoring organization or individual. The College is the final determiner of what safety measures are necessary.
- Accountability for determinations about event safety are situated with the Emergency Operations Team. In consultation with senior leadership, the Director of Public Safety is entrusted to make immediate or emergent decisions based on EOT protocols until consultation with the entire team can be arranged.