Submission Guidelines
A few general words of advice to our authors: The purpose of Juniata Voices, as our statement of purpose reads, “is to provide a showcase for the rich variety of intellectually stimulating conversations on the Juniata campus,” and to “encourage ... faculty members to present their scholarly and creative works to the campus community.” Thus we encourage submissions of articles that are written for general audiences. Please do not submit material to Voices and to another journal simultaneously; we assume that any material submitted to Voices is ours exclusively. Voices is not a place for the kind of articles that would appear in peer reviewed journals in scholarly or professional fields. If you should wish to submit a less technical version of an essay to Voices and a more technical version, addressing essentially the same issue, to a journal in your field, please notify the editors at the time you submit your essay to Voices. The editors may ask to be provided with copies of both articles, to assure that no copyrights are being infringed.
Style Sheet
Style Sheet - Last Modified January 21, 2014